Get active

Formentera is an island with a special charm…

Formentera is not only “sun and beach”; it is much more than this…
Formentera is an amazing island with plenty of diverse activities during the whole year.
Depending on what you are looking for, we will help you in finding the best option for you.


PI DES CATALÀ TOWER Architectural heritage: Military architecture Free entrance New summer schedule: Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. More information:


CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL SPACE LA MOLA LIGHTHOUSE New summer schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. [...]

Playas de Formentera

Formentera es conocida y valorada turísticamente por sus playas de aguas transparentes y fina arena blanca que enmudecen al visitante con sus tonalidades turquesas. Se trata de playas protegidas [...]

Flora y fauna

La geografía formenterense se compone principalmente de rocas y zonas arenosas, debido a esto y a la escasez de lluvias, tanto en verano como en invierno, hacen que su suelo sea prácticamente [...]

Rutas verdes

Rutes verdes, una illa que no s’acaba Hi ha qui defineix Formentera com una illa petita que pot recórrer-se amb cotxe en un sol matí. Qui ha passejat per les seves senderes, s’ha [...]